
For more blog articles by Marie Cartier from Feminism and Religionclick here.

  • I Am an American, Too by Marie Cartier
    by Marie Cartier on August 23, 2024 at 7:03 am

    I am an American.I am proud to be an American.I am not proud of everything America does—But I am proud of democracy—of the idea of democracy.And I do not want to waste my shot, either. I am an American.The flag is mine—not just yours.You don’t own it. You with the flag shirtover a map of … Continue reading "I Am an American, Too by Marie Cartier"

  • Nancy Valverde: LA Lesbian Icon passes by Marie Cartier
    by Marie Cartier on April 26, 2024 at 7:03 am

    Nancy Valverde was sent off to REST IN POWER April 20, 2024, having passed at her home in the LGBTQ+ senior living space, Triangle Square Triangle Square Senior Apartments – Los Angeles LGBT Center, March 25. An icon, a great friend, a mentor… we had a warrior on our side when she was here with … Continue reading "Nancy Valverde: LA Lesbian Icon passes by Marie Cartier"

  • Dear Taylor Swift by Marie Cartier
    by Marie Cartier on February 23, 2024 at 8:03 am

    February 5, 2024 Dear Taylor Swift- Am I completely lost? I haven’t listened to your music –I mean NOT REALLY listened to it…that I totally know of–and now I see on the Grammys that you have won more best albums than anyone in history- can I be excused because I’m a writer? I think you … Continue reading "Dear Taylor Swift by Marie Cartier"

  • Iceland: The Dream Made Real by Marie Cartier
    by Marie Cartier on January 26, 2024 at 8:03 am

    I just came back from a bucket list trip- Iceland. I have wanted to go ever since I learned they had a Women’s Party- which were sometimes in power. The Women’s Party of Iceland ‘Power of the masses’: the day Iceland’s women went on strike and changed history | Iceland | The Guardian where women … Continue reading "Iceland: The Dream Made Real by Marie Cartier"

  • Rudie, the Butch-Dyke Reindeer—A Holiday Wish* by Marie Cartier
    by Marie Cartier on December 22, 2023 at 8:03 am

    It’s the holidays- those winter holidays What do I want Santa to bring? Or rather, the goddess? The reindeer goddess –what do I want her to give queer people— My queer performance company, Queer Wise? And especially, of course, to give me? Wisdom. Well, shit, we already have that. Riches? Well if you count riches … Continue reading "Rudie, the Butch-Dyke Reindeer—A Holiday Wish* by Marie Cartier"

  • If I Were an Octopus by Marie Cartier
    by Marie Cartier on November 24, 2023 at 8:03 am

    You say you want the truth, and I want to give it to you—I mean you asked for it and I want to give it you. I mean—I do want to tell the truth but— to be honest I’m not sure I want to be the person that truth belongs to – but I want to … Continue reading "If I Were an Octopus by Marie Cartier"